Grenada Fund for Conservation Inc. (GFC) is a legally registered non-profit, non-governmental organization which was established in 2007.
Grenada Fund for Conservation Inc. was established with the aim of:
"Promoting and protecting Grenada’s natural environment."
Conserve GRENADA!

Tyrone and Zoya Buckmire, the father-daughter duo that currently manage GFC
Greetings! Welcome to our Website! Grenada Fund for Conservation Inc. was founded in 2007 seeking to address the needs of a society that was battling with preserving its natural resources and at the same time developing as a nation. Over the past few years Grenada’s unemployment rate has risen. With an economy that is heavily dependent on agriculture and tourism industries and unemployment rates this high, increased pressure has been placed on our scarce natural resources. This has been radically changing the natural landscape over time, particularly in the last three decades.
As the founder of GFC, it is my pleasure to see this organization grow and develop into what it is today. To date, no one organization in Grenada has been able to attract the necessary resources to meaningfully tackle these issues, and no group of organizations has yet come together to do it collectively. The Grenada Fund for Conservation has formed the necessary alliances and organized broad-based, multi-sectorial groupings, to identify and aggressively pursue the necessary projects that will lead to an eventual change in people’s knowledge, attitudes and practices towards the environment.
As you journey through our website, we hope that you become aware of and inspired by the work that we have currently accomplished, particularly our work with Mangrove Restoration and awareness building.
Feel free to leave comments and subscribe to our webpage to get regular updates on our work in conserving Grenada!
Tyrone W. Buckmire
Executive Director
We have several ongoing projects, around our thematic areas of mangrove restoration, bird conservation, and public education. Read more>
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